Residents Planter Choice

Last updated: 26th February 2021

Residents choose Option 2 for Longbrook Planter

Option 2 won the day!

Soft yellows and blues with an architectural structure of Calamagrostis + seasonal bulbs

Base plants:
• Nepeta x faassenii
• Santolina rosmarinifolia var rosmarinifolia
• Calamagrostis brachytricha
• Aster Monch
• Amsonia tabernaemonana

Bulbs/seasonal uplifts:
• Galanthus nivalis
• Narcissus Thalia
• Eschscholzia Californica
• Tulipa sylvestris
• Scilla bifolia
• Allium sphaerocephalon

Look out for this transformative display next spring.


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